Return Policy

Returns are eligible for store credit only. All sale items, shoes and accessories from Allure are final sale. All other items may be returned within 14 days of the date you received your shipped  items, with receipt and provided that the item is unworn, clean and with the tags still on the garment. All packages will now come with a return label included. If your item(s) are eligible for return, simply take the return label to your local post office and ship your item(s) back to us. Once we receive your return, the cost of the return shipping label will be deducted from your store credit refund.

 If the customer chooses to return an item(s), he/she must have the original receipt and packing slip included in the return package. Returned items may be exchanged for products of equal value, or store credit will be issued for the purchase price of the products. No cash refunds will be issued. Shipping costs are non-refundable.